If you have shopped or browsed antique or vintage Pottery or China & Dinnerware you have most likely come across crazing. Maybe you didn't know what it was called at the time but we will fix that now.
Crazing is a term used to reference fine cracks that can be found in the glaze of pottery or china. Crazing can be present in varying degrees. Sometimes items may have a couple of crazing lines on one side and not the other, other times the crazing can look like a spider web and cover the entire item. The cracks are very small and can usually not even be felt, rather just seen visually.
Someone looking for replacement china to complete a set or someone that collects pottery may frown upon crazing as it is an actual flaw in the item. Therefore items with crazing will usually sell to these types of buyers for less money than the same item without this phenomenon. On the other hand crazing creates a unique look that gives items an antique or vintage feel that is unmatched. People looking for decorative items that have this vintage appeal often times love the look that crazing creates.

While crazing is not necessarily a desired trait, it can still be appreciated for the uniqueness that it can give an item. Next time you are out shopping keep that thought in mind and see if you can find some appreciation for this “flaw”.